Hanna Lubek, is a certified Advanced Thai Massage and Yeshe Nuad teacher.
Her interest in body-mind development grew on the base of searching a way of life that would allow to combine profound Buddhist view with skillful and effective methods for working with the body. After meeting her first Thai body work and Chinese Medicine teachers in 2007 in Europe, she has immediately started organizing and later assisting in their courses (more than 25 in 4 years). Afterwards she has deepened her skills and knowledge during journeys to Thailand. Everyday meditation practice together with retreats and years of hands-on massage treatments gives her a broad experience in supporting and treating both the clients and students. Hanna Lubek is a founder of the idea of Yeshe School of Massage which becomes a platform for exchange and development for its students, practitioners and teachers. Although she is based in Warsaw, she has guided courses and workshops also in Italy, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria and Holland.
Impressions from workshops at the Festival of Conscious Body Work in Gdansk:

Bardzo dziękuję, to było cudowne przeżycie! Bardzo się odprężyłam, zrelaksowałam, zregenerowałam siły, przeniosłam się na trochę w inny, bajkowy świat 😉
Serdecznie polecam sesje u Hani, atmosfera masażu, technika i doświadczenie na najwyższym poziomie! Nic mnie tak nie zregenerowalo , rozluźniło jak ten masaż będąc po 2nocnych dyżurach – regenerują jak noc snu 🙂
Izabela Komosa, położna
Dwie godziny masowania, dociskania, rozciągania, przekładania, turlania sprawiło, że czułam się jakby ktoś mi zdjął z pleców dwudziestokilogramowy plecak.
Check out my Facebook page:
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PICHEST BOONTHUME, LAURINO, AJARN SINCHAI, DOM, PE, KOM, TILL, PAWEŁ JANISZEWSKI – Nuad Boran, Traditional/Medical Thai Massage, Dynamic Thai Massage
GUNTHER KRUEGER – Jivaka Massage
DAVID LUTT – Ostheo Thai
NOAM TYROLER – Traditional Thai Acupressure
VICTORIA MALO – Traditional Chinese Medicine, Bioenergetics (Alexander Lowen)
BOZENA PRZYJEMSKA – Cranio sacral therapy and fascia massage
DORIS KOLLING – Abdomen Detox Massage according to Chinese Medicine Chi Nei Tsang
JANUSZ RUDAK, SATYARTHI PELOQUIN – diagnosing and therapy for soft tissue dysfunction, mayofascial energetic release